#android #open-source

Predictive Back Gesture On Android

Published Oct 21, 2024 by Adi Andrea

If you already using Android 15 and exploring the settings menu, you’ll may find a brand new behavior when try to swipe back to previous screens. A preview of previous screen is showing, indicates that we will takes to that screen if we swipe back.

Predictive Back Gesture

Predictive back gesture, as it names is an improved user experience when user try to navigate back to previous page by executing a back swipe. This feature allows users to see the result of a back gesture before completing it, so they can decide whether to stay in the current view or continue. It’s all about making the back gesture more predictive and context-aware.

Predictive back preview

The predictive back gesture was introduced in Android 13 and the back-to-home animation can be previewed by enabling it via Developer Option > Predictive back animations. This is also required for Android 14.

Predictive Back Gesture Implementation

To implement the Predictive Back Gesture in your Android app, firstly you should ensure that APIs that are already using OnBackPressedDispatcher APIs (such as Fragments and the Navigation Component) work seamlessly with the predictive back gesture, so you upgrade to AndroidX Activity 1.6.0-alpha05 or later.

// In your build.gradle file:
dependencies {

    // Add this in addition to your other dependencies
    implementation "androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0"


Opt-in to the predictive back gesture by update your AndroidManifest.xml file by add android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true flag.

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


Intercepting Back Gesture

Sometimes we don’t want to straightforward bring the user to previous screen when swipe back, for example when we want to show a dialog to confirm user if they really wanna go to previous page, we need to add extra step to intercept the swipe back logic.

To do that, we need to use OnBackPressedDispatcher with an implementation of OnBackPressedCallback. Firstly create OnBackPressedCallback instance.

private val onBackPressedCallback: OnBackPressedCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
    override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
        //your custom onBackPressed logic

And then add it as callback to OnBackPressedDispatcher


Lastly, logic for the Confimation Dialog

private fun showConfirmationDialog() {
    val confirmDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    confirmDialog.setMessage("Are you sure want to go back?")
    confirmDialog.setNegativeButton("Cancel") { d, _ ->
    confirmDialog.setPositiveButton("Confirm") { _, _ ->
        //stop intercepting the back gesture
        onBackPressedCallback.isEnabled = false

        //navigate back

That’s it! That’s how you implement predictive back gesture to your app. Checkout the Github Repository for more details on code.



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